Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sandi Patty Concert

Sandi Patty, an award-winning Christian singer, gave a concert at my church this evening. It was a wonderful time filled with praise to the Lord. She sang some great "old" songs, including one of my favorites, Via Dolorosa, and mixed in some newer ones as well. She also shared several stories from her life. When she was in high school, her goal was to perform at Disneyland and she was crushed when she wasn't hired. But later she realized that God wasn't saying no to Disneyland. He was saying yes to something better. I really like that - what a neat twist of thought. It puts things that disappoint us into the proper perspective. God doesn't just say no. When it seems like He's saying no to something that I want, he's already said yes to something else I just haven't seen yet. I love the fact that God sees (and plans) the big picture! Speaking of pictures, I don't have any of Sandi Patty for the blog because our church choir was able to sing four songs with her (how cool!!) during the concert; it's a little hard to take pictures when you're singing. We ended the concert with one of my favorite songs: How Great Thou Art. It was a great evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember going to one of her concerts back in college. I really enjoyed it. Yes, God may close some doors, but he allows other doors to open wide. It ends up being much better than we ever could have imagined.