Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Mouse in my House

There’s a mouse in my house. Oh, what will I do?
There’s a mouse in my house. Has this ever happened to you?

It was really a mouse peeking in my living room;
dark brown and furry – he looked quite well-groomed.

But it was such a surprise when I turned to see
a very real mouse looking straight at me!

Now he left the room and went down the hall.
I’ll just ignore him and stay on the couch, after all.

Oh no, he came back – and scurried all around,
at least he’s still scurrying down on the ground!

Ignoring him won’t work; I’ll quick take a shower instead.
“This is not the way my morning should start,” I said as I fled.

I dressed in a hurry and took a peek out the door.
I couldn’t see mousie anywhere on the floor.

But just as I crossed the kitchen to leave
the mouse ran under the stove; yes – I shrieked!

I went through the day with my kids at school
with mouse thoughts constantly invading my thought-pool.

I bought several traps after asking advice,
the man at the hardware store said the old-fashioned ones worked nice.

Four traps all set, peanut butter the bait,
Now all I have to do is just wait.

I went out for supper, prayed the mouse would be caught,
but when I came back, nothing was in the traps I had bought.

I sat for a while, wondering where he might be,
then decided to spend the night elsewhere, so he wouldn’t find me!

The next day showed evidence my mouse friend was clever,
The seeds near the trap were gone, but no traps had been touched whatsoever.

I bought more remedies, including poison, for this endeaver;
anything to get this mouse out of my house forever.

This time the seeds were put on the trap,
nestled in peanut butter, underneath the flap.

As night approached I cautiously went to bed
with dreams of “dead-mouse” filling my head.

The next morning I awoke and went to see
the traps I had set, what would there be?

As I stood in the kitchen I was filled with relief
at the sight of the mouse, dead beyond belief!

But I also felt a little sorry for him,
whose life had ended so tragically grim.

After saying goodbye and disposing of the mouse,
I can thankfully say: There’s no longer a mouse in my house!

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