Sunday, February 13, 2011

Splashes of Color

Enough already! About this time of year the grey of winter gets old. The almost constant cloud cover presses down on our corner of Michigan while piles of white snow rise up like mountains at the edges of parking lots. I admit, the blizzard from a couple weeks ago was beautiful, and the sight of freshly fallen snow resting atop tree branches can be breathtaking. And every once in a while we receive the gift of blue skies and a sunny winter day.

But the various shades of grey that constantly smother surround me can be depressing. It reminds me of the old Narnia story by C.S. Lewis (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe) where it’s always winter and never Christmas, only in this case it’s always winter and never spring.

God created color to liven up our world and right now I need to see some of that color. It’s a reminder that spring is coming. If the dismal grey of winter reminds us of sin, the glorious colors of springtime can remind us of Christ’s resurrection and the hope we have of eternal life with Him.

So here’s a little bit of color – to remind us of the hope and promise – of spring.

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